AffEasy allows you to add comments to your links, providing valuable context and enhancing team collaboration. This feature is especially useful for keeping track of link purposes, campaign details, or any other relevant information.

Adding comments to your links in AffEasy is a straightforward process:

  1. Open the link builder in your AffEasy dashboard.
  2. Toggle the “Comments” switch to reveal the comment field.
  3. Enter your comment in the text area that appears.

Hyperlinks are supported in comments. You can use this feature to add more context or link to related resources.

Viewing comments

Once you’ve added a comment to a link, it will be visible to you and your team members as a message bubble on the link card in your AffEasy dashboard.

Adding comments to your links can significantly improve your link management process:

  1. Provide context: Explain the purpose of the link or add important details about its usage.
  2. Improve team collaboration: Share information about campaigns or strategies associated with specific links.
  3. Track changes: Use comments to log updates or modifications to link settings.
  4. Enhance organization: Categorize links or add tags within comments for easier searching and sorting.

Need Help?

If you have any questions about adding comments to your links or using any of our advanced features, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of AffEasy’s powerful link management tools!